Mrs. Greig’s computer lab website

The All Saints technology program is based on the Office of Catholic Education Technology Curriculum.

This curriculum is aligned to two very important documents: the Ohio Department of Education’s Academic Content Standards for Technology (adopted in the summer of 2005) and the International Society for Technology in Education’s National Educational Technology Standards. The Technology Curriculum is also based on the Social Justice Teachings, the Goals of Catholic Education, and the Rights of Children. The technology curriculum includes activities and resources that can be used in a computer lab or in a classroom.

Through the Technology Curriculum the students will understand the four strands of technology:
I. Social, Ethical, Human and Catholic Issues in Technology
II. Technology for Productivity
III. Technology for Communication
IV. Technology for Information and Research

Each class from PreK thru Grade 8, visits the computer lab once a week. They learn computer skills such as keyboarding, word processing, Microsoft Office, file management, multimedia presentations and computer use, as well as internet skills. Being responsible and safe on the internet is stressed with each class. In 2013, All Saints purchased an iPad cart with 30 iPads which is available to all classrooms.